New Single Out Now - Blowin' Smoke

Awhile back, a musician friend of mine relayed the following story: We had just come off stage from playing a great show, when this smooth-talking gentleman approached us and sang our praises. He loved the music, he loved our look, he dug the vibe, he had abundant connections in the music industry, and he was going to help us blow up.

At this point in the tale my friend says to me, “It was pretty amazing, but I wasn’t sure if he was legit or just blowin’ smoke. Aha, that’s it! That’s our new songwriting assignment. You have to use Blowin’ Smoke in a song.”

You may already know this about me, but I spent four years at UC Berkeley, and have lived in and around Boulder, Colorado for more than twenty. As a result, the initial connections my brain makes to the idea of “blowin smoke” are, shall we say, a bit hazier. So I wrote this new song, “Blowin’ Smoke” with both themes in mind - the kind of smoke blowing, as well as the recreational kind.

This is the first single released from my forthcoming album, “Sharpe & Dion,” featuring seven tracks of stripped-down acoustic goodness. I hope you enjoy it, and that you find yourself singing along by the second chorus.

Next single drops September 17th, full album out Oct 1st. Stay tuned!