First time I ever saw your face

You were pink from all that crying but life fell into place

You were right on time when you arrived

Eighteen long years later we survived

First time I held you in my arms

I was instantly enamored, held captive by your charms

Nothing has changed in all these years

But now you’re changing lanes and shifting gears

Avery, Avery I adore you lovely girl

There’s nowhere you can go my heart won’t follow you, follow you

Avery Avery I adore you lovely girl

Nighttime or day one whisper away

Just turn and I’ll be right behind

Now I cannot afford to look away

You’re steadily becoming and I’m prouder every day

Of all the ways to bend and kiss the ground

Beholding you is the best one I have found

That time I came to tuck you into bed

You were madder than a hornet and you swore at me instead

Soon we slowed it down and sang our song

All of us were right where we belong

Avery, Avery I adore you lovely girl

There’s nowhere you can go my heart won’t follow, you follow you

Avery Avery I adore you lovely girl

Nighttime or day one whisper away

Just turn and I’ll be right behind

You already in circles run me round

Still I’m watering these deep roots in the ground

Watching as the leaves begin to fall

And by the way please don’t forget to call