Another Year Down

As we navigate our way through another holiday season, I find it helpful to spend at least a moment reflecting on those people and circumstances that collided in ways both beautiful and tragic in 2019. Some moments were thrilling and heartfelt, others were stress-inducing and heartbreaking. Musically for me, it was an interesting year. On one hand, my song “Evangeline” won a lyric writing competition - one that may result in me getting a trip to Nashville and a wonderful co-writing opportunity. On the other hand, I wrote fewer songs and played fewer shows than in past years, largely because of shifting life circumstances. My daughter is now in the 8th grade, my partner moved in with us, we bought and sold a home, lots going on. BUT, I have very high hopes for 2020. As I continue to settle into the new home, I am thrilled that it comes with my own private office/studio which will be dedicated to music-making. So stay tuned, loved ones. I do believe my creative output in 2020 will surpass that of 2019. So as we move into our shortest days of the year, I urge you to light the candles, pour the tea, wrap the blankets, and snuggle up close. ‘Tis the season. Thank you, as always, for your continued support. I could not do it without you.

  • Jeremy

With A Little Help From My Friends

This past Saturday I was invited to perform with Boulder musician Shanna In A Dress, along with some of her friends. We all converged on the Laughing Goat on Pearl Street to sing some songs, share some stories, and make new friends. As you may be aware, I have cut back on the number of performances I’m doing right now, and have become more selective in the process. But this evening was tremendous and I was thrilled to join the lineup.  Shanna is personable, and her quirk-pop songs work great in a listening room.  Other performers included Liz and Theresa, both of whom are on their way up as far as local songwriters go. Many thanks to those who attended, to Shanna for the kind invitation, and let’s do it again sometime!



You’ve heard it before, that genuine gratitude is one of the keys to a happy life. What we think about and THANK about, we tend to bring about.  So today I am especially thankful for this particular Paul Reed Smith guitar. It’s new to me, and was part of the prize for winning the lyric writing competition for American Songwriter Magazine recently.  It was my song “Evangeline” that took home the prize, and I was honored to be interviewed in this month’s issue. Thank you American Songwriter, thank you Paul Reed Smith, thank you listeners and fans and music lovers wherever you are. I am grateful, inspired, and ready to write on!


CD Release Party!

As much as I love songwriting, I will admit that there are a few other things in my life that often take precedence. - work and my daughter being the two most important. It therefore takes me a long time to make a record. In fact, while this new release, More Lately, only has six tracks, it took me over a year to record. During that time I steadily chipped away in the studio, slowly inviting various musicians to join me, and taking my own sweet time. The other two albums I have made (Finally  and Golden Some Day) took less time, but I was chomping at the bit to get them done. This time around I am far more relaxed, unattached to any sort of timeline or concrete outcome. I am open to wherever this may lead, and eagerly excited to share the new music with you.  The first single, “More Lately” will be available on iTunes and Spotify 10/26, “Evangeline” comes out 11/2, and the entire album available 11/9. Come join us in Boulder in November 11th, 4-6pm, at Shine Restaurant and Potion Bar and help celebrate the release of new music, more than a year in the making. Thanks always for listening!


Album art by Ayal Hausfeld

Community Music Night

It began in my friend’s living room several years ago, a few close friends sharing their original songs with each other. Then the living room became too small for this growing group of Boulder artists, eager for a sense of artistic collaboration and community. Fast forward a few years and this eclectic group of musicians has grown exponentially. This weekend I was pleased to join them for an evening of music, stories, experiments and community.  I witnessed someone perform with a guitar for the first time, I had a number of substantive conversations with Boulder artists, and I made some new friends along the way. Thank you Boulder for attracting these wonderful folks eager to share their songs as well as their hearts.  And thank you to the innumerable community members who attend these terrific evenings, supporting local artists along the way. I was happy to attend, proud to perform, and am already looking forward to the next Community Music Night. 

Shanna In A Dress

Shanna In A Dress