My friends! Did you know that elephants have the longest gestation period of any creature - upwards of 660 days?! I begin with this fun fact because right now feel like a pregnant elephant, and cannot wait to share this new life with you. This bun has been in the oven for quite some time, and is ready ready ready!
My new album, Sharpe & Dion comes out October 1st, and the first single, “Blowin’ Smoke” will be available on Friday, August 27th. It is of course true to say that I have been excited about each of my previous releases, but none more so than this. Sharpe & Dion feels like my very first album in some ways, and certainly my best work yet. Why is that, you ask?
In the summer of 2020, my long time friend and musical companion Peter Sharpe (The Railsplitters) joined me for a series of duo shows at a charming outdoor Boulder venue. Those performances were so fun and inspiring to me (in part because we were all dealing with the first few months of the pandemic), that I was driven to capture that sweet, stripped-down, picking-tunes-in-your-living-room feeling, and bring that into the studio. So unlike my other albums where I fleshed out the sound with a rhythm section instrumentalists, and more, this album only features the two of us - Peter and me. We tracked everything live, and did very little editing. The result is seven new tracks of intimate acoustic music, highlighting that “Mile High Americana” sound I love. Peter and I have known each other for 20 years - we met as graduate students at Naropa University, and it’s a special thing to have successfully captured the musical magic that can only come from decades of friendship.
Thank you for your continued support, keep your ears peeled for Friday’s new single release, “Blowin’ Smoke,” and stay safe out there.
Stay tuned,