The (First) Children's Album

I’ve not even finished writing all the songs for this (first) Children’s album, but it sure does feel like the most logical next step in my progression as a songwriter. And this album, yet to be completed, already feels like the first of at least a couple of albums dedicated to the joy and merriment that accompanies childhood. This first one began in the most mundane of ways. But as we already knows, there’s magic in the ordinary. And therefore no such thing as ordinary.

You may already know about my ongoing career as a therapist in addition to that of a songwriter. And when I wear my “therapist” hat, I’m either working one-on-one with private clients, or working in a nearby Boulder K-8 school, where I have worked for the past ten years. It’s a dream role for me, in all honesty, because I have all the latitude in the world to integrate music into my therapeutic work with the kids.

A few months ago, my co-therapist came to me with the friendship lesson she had planned for us to teach in the kindergarten classroom later that week. After watching the slideshow which ended with a song about friendship, I told her that the information in the lesson was awesome, but that I was feeling strongly compelled to write my own version of that friendship song. She agreed, I wrote the new song that evening, and we delivered the lesson about resolving conflict in a way that was fun, engaging, and left the kids humming a little tune.

At the time, I thought this experience was just a one-off, and that I now just had this cute little song to sing next year when we taught the same lesson to a fresh group of kindergartners. But as the school year unfolded, this process repeated itself a number of times, leading to more lessons to teach and more new songs to support those lessons. Over the last few months, the momentum has continued to build in this easy, effortless, organic way, culminating in now what I can (almost) call my first album of children’s songs!

Lately I have been surfing on the easy thrill of being in alignment, of being in the flow of life, and enjoying the delicious nature of that right place-right time feeling. I have come to understand that we aren’t mere observers who simply “find ourselves” in these flowing currents of experience. But rather we actively cultivate these states through intentional, steady practice. One breath at a time.

So stay tuned, dear friends. I plan on having more new music for you in the coming months. Prepare your inner child.

Why I Meditate

I first experienced meditation when I was a freshman at UC Berkeley during a fascinating course on Buddhist Psychology. It was the first of many steps along a mindful path through Berkeley, back to Seattle, and eventually to Naropa University in Boulder to further my studies in psychology and deepen my relationship with mindful living. For years I sat and meditated - off and on - for up to 20 minutes a day, and enjoyed the respite from my normal pace of life while I sat in quiet concentration. I also appreciated the increasing number of mindful moments I began to encounter throughout my day. I felt less emotionally reactive, and more awake, alive in my body. And until recently, I thought that was “it.” I believed I was accomplishing the point of meditation by not only sitting, but by experiencing and noticing these moments throughout my day. And it’s not that I was wrong, per se, but my understanding of the “why” to meditate has shifted appreciably.

What I have come to notice (and gleefully celebrate) is that when I quiet my mind and focus on resting in the space of no-thought, it is in those spaces where I can actually begin to hear myself at my deepest levels. Call it my source, or soul, or heart’s desire, or inner being, it doesn’t matter. But it’s that part of me that knows everything, my wisest self, my eternal self, and it also knows where I am in relationship to everything I want. What’s more is that this incredible part of me also knows where I am currently, knows what my obstacles are, and is ready to smoothly guide me around them and towards my deepest desires, if only I would tune in and listen more closely.

Source speaks softly, and in such cleverly subtle ways that it’s easy to miss. But the more I meditate (15 minutes a day is plenty), the more clearly I hear this inner-voice, my wisest self, subtly offering ideas in the form of thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I follow them, other times I don’t. But the more I do follow them, the more certainty I develop that I am being led brilliantly and with unwavering consistency, towards my most satisfying life. Sometimes in these expanded spaces, I get new songwriting ideas. Or an impulse to phone a friend, or take the dogs for a walk. Not every suggestion from source feels monumental. But the more I follow the divine impulses, the more satisfaction I find. That dog walk might have just been a dog walk. Or it might have led me to that “random” conversation with my neighbor, that led me to researching that book title she mentioned, that led me to my next great songwriting idea, that led me to…

When I meditate, I’m getting ready. Ready to slow my thoughts down. Ready to listen to my wisest self. Ready to be led in the directions of my highest calling. And by the way, just being ready feels unimaginably good. But don’t take my word for it. Learn to sit quietly for 15 minutes a day, and soon you too will be following your highest self towards your best life. I promise.

Stay tuned.

Finishing on a high note

Greetings, friends and music-lovers! As we get ready to but a bow on the year that was 2021, I want to take a moment to thank you all for making this year a memorable one for me. Despite the highs and lows of living through another year full of Covid-related surprises, you all helped launch my new album, “Sharpe & Dion” into the stratosphere! The album received great reviews, and has been listened to more than any of my other releases thus far. THANK YOU! While it feels true that I would continue to write and record music even if you weren’t listening, it is much more gratifying to do it this way, and with your feedback. So to that end, please feel free to drop me a line - sing me a song, write me a note, follow me on social media. I love staying in touch and hearing what you’re up to, as well as spreading the exciting new happenings at Camp Dion. Did you hear the whispers of a Children’s Album in the works? Stay tuned…

And one final note - I am thrilled to be supporting the Freddy Jones band for their New Year’s Eve show in Denver at the Soiled Dove - my favorite local venue. Doors at 8, show starts at 9, masks required.

Thanks always, kind friends. And stay tuned!

  • JD