Filled With Gratitude

I know I’m dating myself here, but Holy Bananas, Batman! It is true to say I had high hopes as usual when it comes to releasing this new album, but you, dear listeners, have exceeded my expectations and it’s only been ten days. The new single, “Blowin’ Smoke” is blowin’ up, and I finally smashed through Spotify’s 1k stream mark, which is a goal I have had my eye on for some time now. As of this writing, it’s nearing the 2.5k mark with no signs of slowing down, and the number of monthly listeners has skyrocketed. So to you, dear listeners, I say a most heartfelt THANK YOU! I am so glad you’re digging the new music, I have much more on the way, including the next single release on 9/17. Stay tuned, and keep listening!

The Return of Live Music

My oh my, how I have missed you! Not just here on the blog, but in the real world of live music, group gatherings, and back porch pickin’ sessions. But now that it’s June 2021, and vaccination rates being what they are (at least here in Colorado), live music is making a comeback! And it couldn’t happen at a better time. I have spent the past year plus in the following ways: 1. Reeling from the pandemic. 2. Finding new ways to pass the time, such as building a woodshop in my garage. 3. Still reeling from the pandemic. 4. Writing new songs and making a new album! More on that later, as the release date is still TBD, but that album is finished and I am bursting at the seams to share it with you. In the meantime, I do hope to see you soon at one of the live shows I’ve been lining up. The World Tour (ok fine, Colorado Tour) starts this Saturday 6/5 at Upslope Brewery in Boulder (5pm), followed by 7/1 at BOCO Cider (also in Boulder, 5pm), and 7/21 at Denver’s Botanic Gardens. I hope you and your families are safe and well, ready to come out and get your folky boogie on with me. Stay tuned!

The messy art of songwriting

I’ve been spending more time in the home studio lately, as I embark on what I hope will someday result in my fourth studio album. There is plenty to do between now and then, and the biggest lift is going to be completing the lyrics on many of the songs I want to record. That’s always the most challenging aspect for me - becoming satisfied with the lyrical content of the tunes. I’m picky in a way that can become a hinderance to the entire creative endeavor. But I persist.

My vision for this album includes a variety of original tracks - some of them are recently written, some of them are yet to be written, and others were completed years ago. or at least the music was, and I’m finally coming around to finishing up the lyrics.

In the past few months, I have reunited with long-time friend and musical genius Peter Sharpe of the Railsplitters, as we performed a handful of outdoor shows as a duo. He sings beautifully, is a monster on the mandolin, and has this tenor guitar that slays me. The songs and their spaciousness sounded incredible, and I was inspired to try and capture some of the duo magic in the studio.

In the meantime, I will be writing and rewriting the way that I do, working the words until I’m fully satisfied. That usually means stacks of papers and lyrics here and there until they finally come together in a way that works. Here’s to finding the flow.
stay tuned.

