Several years ago I noticed this recurring phenomenon when I would return home from some sort of travel, in which I suddenly viewed my home with new eyes. Not only did I tend to return from my trips with a renewed sense of happiness and gratitude for the home I inhabit, but I also had a clearer sense of the changes and upgrades I wanted to make.
For example, after visiting my family near Seattle, I was suddenly (and, ok, finally) motivated to clean out the junk drawer, removing unlabeled “spare” keys, dead ballpoint pens and unnecessary receipts and leaving a streamlined, organized drawer instead. Look at how I can instantly find those sticky-notes!
I also saw the rest of my house with more clarity - this plant would actually fit the space better over there, and that box full of photographs will get in an album this week, and those two hanging pictures should trade places. And voila! I instantly felt better following through on these impulses. And perhaps these “fresh” eyes don’t just see my home in a new light, but also every aspect of my life. In the days and hours that I’ve been home, I’ve had more productive energy flowing towards things like tidying up, pulling the weeds in the garden, and dusting the desk in my office. I draw the line at dusting lightbulbs like my mother, but you get the picture.
I used to think that this new perspective was the result of being around my family who tend to keep very tidy and organized homes. And there’s probably something to that. But I also now know that on a deeper level, what happens when I travel is that I become more tuned in - more present and engaged with the moment, more in awe of my surroundings, and more open-hearted in my connections with other humans. All of this happens when I travel, and I continue to feel the wonderful shift for some time after I’ve returned back home.
I’ve been feeling really good lately, and no surprise there are plenty of things that then also happen to be going well. My relationship is closer than ever, my creative pursuits like songwriting and watercolor painting are taking off in new and exciting ways, and my mind is filled with a steady stream of inspirational ideas from song lyrics to new directions I would like to take my life.
I’m sure you can feel it as you read this - the flow, the positivity, the good vibes. I’ve learned how to live in that space nearly all of the time and it makes all the difference. The hard work is done with. Now I get to release the oars, kick up my feet, and enjoy the magical unfolding.
Another perfect day.