The Power of Regret

I took my daughter on recent a camping trip to a spectacular lake in the Colorado mountains. We got on the paddle boards, enjoyed the smoky campfire, and I caught a sizable trout on my third cast.

On the morning we were slated to head back home, I woke up early to enjoy my cup of coffee while sitting quietly at the edge of the lake. I took some slow, deep breaths, and felt myself settle in and more thoroughly take in the gorgeous view. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, I had the thought, “I wish we had done more camping as my kid was growing up.” And I immediately felt my stomach tighten, my shoulders slump, and my mood darken.

To be fair, there is “truth” in that thought. I do wish we had done more camping. But here’s another version of reality: “I’m so glad we went camping during her childhood.” Because we did. Several times. And that thought feels way better.

Both thoughts are true, but they feel remarkably different. And paying attention to the difference of how these thoughts feel has propelled the biggest change in my life these past few years. Remember - like attracts like, and everything is vibrational before is becomes manifest. Our most powerful and consistent vibrations come from our feelings, which always follow our thoughts.

“I wish I had done something differently” always feels bad.

“I’m so appreciative that so and so” always feels good.

And feeling good, right here right now, is the whole point, which leads to the next and the next and so on. I already know I want to feel great each and every day, as much as possible. And accomplishing this is far easier than I used to think. I just have to pay really close to attention to how I’m feeling, then notice the thoughts I just had that led me to feel that way. Then choose better feeling thoughts, repeatedly.

The power of regret is awesomely destructive. Nothing gums up the gears like looking backwards and wishing it were different.

All of your power is in the now.

The universe only ever asks one question - what now?

I’m so glad we camped. I’m looking forward to camping again.

I love camping.

My life is magical.